Sunday, 31 October 2010

Questionnaire Results

Over half term I analysed the results from the questionnaire and created graphs and wrote conclusions for each questionnaire. I have created them on a powerpoint which I have embedded below using

I recorded some people answer various questions using a voice recorder. These are the answers:

Question 3 - What three words come to mine with the genre rock?

                                      Question 9 - What is your favourite type of article to read?


Thursday, 21 October 2010

Audience Research - Questionnaire

In this lesson we constructed our Questionnaire in word. I have created 15 questions to have around 20 people to answer. Ths is help me make decisions about the design, content, price, and frequency of my publication.

Professional Double Page Spread Analysis

In todays lesson we compared a variety of feature articles to the codes and conventions that we created earlier on in the course. I have analysed a feature article from Kerrang.

  • Around 3/4 columns
  • Colour scheme is consistent and relating to the main image
  • Artists name is always highlighted and bold
  • Page number, including name, date, and possibly website in the bottom corners
  • 1 main image that takes up about 1 page
  • Most have a direct mode of address but is not necessary
  • Images are mainly on the left, but sometimes can be on the right or across the two pages (this is called bleeding)
  • If of a band, usually mid long shot or medium close up
  • Main title is short and snappy
  • Stand First - a bold paragraph underneath the title and/or above the article
  • Drop quotes in big letters from story are bigger to stand out (and are usually exciting or controversial by taking them out of context of the story)
  • Bylines - credits to the writer of the article and the photography
  • Main title unique and bold (possibly in a unique font)
  • 11pt font, generally a lot of writing in the article
  • Drop capitals (large letter at the start of the article)
  • Informal mode of address so it can connect with audience in a relaxing style

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Professional Contents Page Analysis

In these lessons we analysed one contents page from a professional magazine. I chose "Kerrang" and annotated this. I then chose to present it using to show a different media being used.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Analysis Of Professional Front Covers

In todays lesson we annotated three professional front covers. I chose 'Kerrang', 'Rock Sound' and 'NME'.

Initial Ideas 2

Using the results of my research I have made these decisions for my magazine

Price: £2.20 - Competitive against magazines like 'Kerrang' produced weekly
Frequency of Publication: Weekly
Average Issue Size: 60-70 pages
Regular Content: E.g. Reader's letters, Live Review, Album Review/Preview, "Win!"
Feature Articles: Band Interviews, Awards Shows, New single from...

Monday, 11 October 2010

Main Task - Researching The Market Place

In todays lesson we started to research similiar music magazines to our own. These are the competitors for my magazine. I have looked at a number of Rock/Pop Rock magazines and made notes on various aspects.

Price: £3.90
Publisher's Website: (Published by Rock Sound Ltd)
Frequency of Publication: Monthly
Issue Size: 115 Pages
Positioning Statement:New Music First
Regular Content: "RSVP" and "Exposure"
Feature Articles: "Blink-182" and "Rock Sound Tour Preview"

Price: £2.20
Frequency of Publication:Weekly
Issue Size: 63 Pages
Positioning Statement: None on the magazine
Regular Content: "Gig Guide" and "Live Review"
Feature Articles: "Sum 41" and "Muse"

Price: £2.30
Publisher's Website:
Frequency of Publication: Monthly
Issue Size: 67 Pages
Positioning Statement: New Music Express
Regular Content: "Reviews" and "Fanmail"
Feature Articles: "Lewis from Chapel Club" and "Elbow"

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Main Task - Initial Ideas

This is the first post for my main task and we were asked to come up with our inital ideas for our music magazine:
  • The magazine is going to be for Rock/Pop Rock music
  • The target audience will be teens and possibly young adults

Preliminary Exercise - Evaluation

After completing my School Magazine front cover and contents page, there are many things that I have learnt and in this post I will evaluate the work that I have done in the past week.

My media product conforms and challenges the codes and conventions of real media products in a number of ways. Firstly my front cover contains all of the elements of a media magazine should contain, for example the Bar Code, issue and price and date are all present in the bottom right. However I think that the layout of the front cover, and manipulating these elements could have been improved. The masthead, even though it still stands out, was made using the font tool, and should have been much more unique, as it would have stood more. The contents page deviates from the codes and conventions in a few ways. For example the font is 12pt, not 11, and the page numbers do not stand out. The images have been laid out in a way which is unusual for a contents page, and could be improved. The 3 columns are present (used traditionally in contents pages) and there is an effective number of features and regulars. The images do not have any accompanying captions to link the images to the text. However the main image is of an appropriate size for the main article.

In creating this media product I used two programmes, one to create the front cover and the other for the contents page. As I was already familiar with Photoshop, the new technology that I have used was QuarkXPress. This was used to lay out the contents page using the columns and various box tools. For the next contents page I will try and use Photoshop and Quark together, transferring media across to make the technology more efficient.

I think that currently my strength is with my experience with Photoshop and my ability to manipulate images. I thought that it improved my ability to produce the front cover. However I think that I will be able to improve my skills with Quark. I would like to be able to link the two programmes together to create the best music magazine that I will be able to. Overall I am more pleased with my front cover, and I will work with my contents page for the main task. I think the images that I took for the contents page could have been improved, and the subject matter. However in general I am happy with my preliminary task.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Preliminary Exercise - Contents Page

In todays lesson we started and finished the contents page for the preliminary exercise using QuarkXPress 7.5.

Theses are screenshots of QuarkXPress in making the contents page.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

QuarkXPress Practise

In the lesson we had a workshop on how to use QuarkXPress 7.5. This is a screenshot of a practise project that I created.

Preliminary Exercise - Front Cover

In the last few lessons we have completed out front cover for our school magazine. Screengrabs of how I have manipulated the image are also included.
